Many musicians, who started to learn duduk realised the prblems related to the reeds and embouchure of this instrument. Reeds tend to change their behaviour very fast according to the humidity and to buy a replacement reed is not an easy task. The reed should be adjusted specially for your own individual instrument. To be able to play duduk your facial muscles have to be very strong and developed in a special way. It takes a lot of physical effort.
The Duclar is kind of alternative for the duduk and the problems described above are solved on this instrument
- no hassle with reeds replacement: any standart clarinet reed will fit
- really easy to play, you don't need so much physical effort, it's basically the same effort as playing on clarinet
- soft subtone sound can be achieved easily
- 2 keys available
from "Asymmetric Beauty"CD
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Duclar in C
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Mechkin Kamen, Duclar in A
from "Asymmetric Beauty"CD
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